Crossword Man

I started this business — originally called Bryson Limited in the UK — in 1992 as the perfect marriage of my day job (software development) and my hobby (cryptic crosswords). Twenty-seven years later, it’s time to wrap it up. I thank all my loyal customers, and any new people looking for TEA Crossword Helper, Sympathy Crossword Construction, and Crossword Wordplay Wizard. I have enjoyed your support over the years and from around the world.

All Crossword Man / Bryson Limited products have now been withdrawn from sale. If you have existing versions of TEA and/or Sympathy, please know that while I appreciate your attachment to my software, products of their vintage might be impacted at any time by advances made by Microsoft or other third-party components. I won’t be able to change that.

Former customers who have lost their downloads can request them by contacting Ross Beresford.